Patricia Wade

Blog Articles

The Blink of an Eye
On February 14th, 1993, a pressure cooker exploded in my face. I was 16 years old and in high school. Devastated, I cried day and night. I did not want to be left with a discoloured face. I don’t even remember
A Drink of Water
Nothing quenches a lingering thirst like a drink of water. If I forget to drink water for the day, especially when the day is overwhelming, I find myself with dried, cracked lips and feeling dry on the inside.
God Wants to Use Your Story
I often share freely about the challenges I face in my life, as encouragement to others who are fighting their own battles. I want to be okay with being vulnerable and to show that being a Christian doesn’t
Our family lived on a farm for several years during my childhood. We had a lot of animals, including a huge female pig that became pregnant. Its belly hung almost to the ground. My dad was excited. He believed
Color My Life
“Colors make things more aesthetically appealing and perceptually meaningful,” explains Nabiilah Ardini, a data science and visualization enthusiast. I understood this from an early age, being exposed to the
A Service to God
I had always loved reading and writing. There was always a lot on my mind and in my heart that was hard to share with anyone, so writing became my outlet—a safe haven where I could commune with
Listen and Heed
When they were little, my twin boys loved to climb, despite the many warnings from my mom and me. One day they were on the mango tree beside our house enjoying themselves. My mom, however, was not
The Dorcas Next Door
I have a neighbour who checks on me regularly to make sure I’m doing okay.  She has become a mother to me and my children.  She always gives gifts for our birthdays; she checks in when we are
New Mercies
I had carefully selected the pink lace accent, white lace, and pink satin for the Kaftan gown my daughter and I made for me to wear to a friend’s 70th birthday celebration I would be attending. The
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