
Like Yeast
Baking is considered an art: creativity and imagination play a major role in the process. But it also involves a lot of science. Take bread-making, for example. To achieve that soft, fluffy texture, a chemical reaction needs to
Don’t Wait
My two sisters were a key part of my childhood because we were so close in age: Naillie the oldest, Jarelli the youngest, and I right in between them. As sisters, we had lots of fun moments, from dressing alike to
Shut the Door
It was a typical workday. As I struggled to lock the front door of my home, I realized that the lock was broken. Frantically, I jumped in my car and, enroute to the office, reached for my cell phone and rang my husband
When I was young, a favorite song in our church for greeting time began with the words, “I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God!” Recently, I was reminded of the great privilege of being part of that family
Embracing Hope in Despair
Congratulations! We made it through the first half of 2024. This is a precious gift from God and we receive it with grateful hearts and mouths full of praises! However, this may also be the time when many start feeling
An Intentional Prayer
I recently had the pleasure of attending a servant leaders' appreciation dinner at our church.  As the evening was winding down, the host asked our pastor, his wife, and children to come up front and then asked
Communion with a Twist
It was 2022 and the end of a children’s camp here in Belize called Hearing God in Living Color. I had been asked to teach dance sessions to the children and tell of my experiences of getting to know God and
Forgiving Father
“You have to taste my mud soup!” I shouted to my father as we drove home one day after school. When we arrived home, I hopped out of the car, grabbed all the utensils I needed, and ran to the door heading to the
Talking to Myself
I have a confession to make: I talk to myself. In the car, while doing chores at home, shopping, or walking down the street. I talk to myself everywhere. Occasionally, someone catches me at it. I can tell
High Tea in Hot Jungle
The first time I visited the Botanical Garden at Caves Branch, twelve miles south of Belmopan, the experience was so enriching and the spring-like atmosphere so idyllic, I knew I had to return someday to write
A Choice to Make
After living in the jungles of West Africa for three years, my family and I returned to the United States to visit our extended family and churches. We had learned to do without so many things just because they weren't
Praying for Rain
Here in Belize, between March and May we experience our driest months when there’s little to no rainfall. While growing up, my sister Jarelli and I loved the rain because it made the days much cooler. I remember one
In the Commotion
Kalang-galang-galang-galang! The loud noise jarred our family to attention, causing us to drop whatever we were doing and dash toward the river about twenty yards from our house. My father had rigged
My Eyes Are on You
How many times are we in situations where we just don’t know what to do? Everything is going wrong. It seems like everyone is against us. That was Jehoshaphat, one of the few good kings of Judah.
The Master Watchmaker
The Swiss are known for many things: their chocolate, their neutrality, their banking, and their precision watches.  In this age of digital everything, I’m fascinated by the workmanship, detail, and skill in handmade