
  • Ebony Cornish
    As we continue to delight in spending leisurely time with the Lord, this week we bring you the complete collection of devotionals and stories by Ebony Cornish, one of our LifeNet Blog writers. We pray they will bring you renewed encouragement in the Word. EBONY CORNISH is currently enrolled in READ MORE
  • Elizabeth Chinn
    At LifeNet, we value unhurried, leisurely time with the Lord. This week, we bring you two devotionals by Pastor Elizabeth Chinn, one of the writers who helped pioneer the LifeNet Blog in October 2020. We pray her writings will encourage and bless you greatly. ELIZABETH CHINN moved to Belize in READ MORE
  • Janelli Barillas
    Do you enjoy leisurely, unhurried time with the Lord? This week, we bring you the complete collection of devotionals and stories by Janelli Barillas, one of our LifeNet writers. We pray they will bring you renewed encouragement in the Word. JANELLI BARILLAS has been a faithful contributor to the LifeNet READ MORE
  • Jadine Fritzler
    Sometimes our busy schedules allow only brief moments of Bible reading and prayer. But often, we long for unhurried, leisurely time with the Lord. Therefore, each Wednesday from March to June, 2025, we will present the complete collection of devotionals, stories, articles, or reflections by one of our LifeNet writers. READ MORE
  • Jadine Fritzler
    A REFLECTION ON LAMENTATIONS 3:22-24 “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;  they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him” (Lamentations 3:22-24, ESV). These words from Lamentations READ MORE
  • Patricia Wade
    Your people will be my people and your God my God. —Ruth 1:16 Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Ruth 1:1-18 Last week our church announced the formation of “life groups,” an opportunity to do life together with a small group of believers. This brings to mind the story of READ MORE
  • Patricia Wade
    But when he saw the wind, he was afraid. —Matthew 14:30a Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Matthew 14: 22-32 Recently, while driving the church van to pick up workers for Sunday service, I overheard a conversation between two of my sisters in Christ. One of them was telling the READ MORE
  • Robert Mossiah
    Love forgets mistakes; nagging about them parts the best of friends (TLB). —Proverbs 17:9 Click Here for Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 17:1-9 In the early years of my marriage with my wife Pearlette, I had a problem. I was compulsive about cleaning. It used to bother me when I thought things READ MORE
  • Ivory Kelly
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. —Proverbs 3:5 Click Here for Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 3:1-6 It was Saturday, and everything was set for our road trip to Chetumal, Mexico where I would be driving my daughter to take a bus to READ MORE

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