No Hesitation

No Hesitation

By faith Abraham…obeyed. —Hebrews 11:8

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9

Just as we were wrapping up Bible study in the park one evening, my friends and I were interrupted by a loud sputtering and rattling sound from the street across from us. Turning to look in the direction of the noise, we saw a gas delivery truck that seemed to be on its last legs quickly pull over as it coughed up a cloud of smoke. “Let’s get out of here before that truck explodes!” our group leader prompted us. Not all of us were fully processing the potential danger, but we trusted her wisdom so, without hesitation, all six of us sprang to our feet and dashed to the car. 

Abraham gave us a great example of how to obey without hesitation when God instructed him to go to Canaan. “It was by faith that [he] obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance” (Hebrews 11:8 NLT). What if Abraham had hesitated and asked God for a sign of confirmation? What if he had complained about the hardship of having to start a new life in a foreign land? Not only would he have grieved God, but he would have hindered his life’s purpose. His obedience changed his life and the lives of his descendants, including all of us who are believers.

Although walking in obedience can be challenging, it is always worth it. God knows us more than we know ourselves, and, as He had great plans for Abraham, He has plans for us. His commands are always for our good. 

Reflection: Is there anything God is asking you to do that you’re hesitating to obey? What examples from Scripture or your past experiences can encourage you to trust Him more?

Prayer Starter:

Thank You for being so good to me, Father. Please forgive me for the times I didn’t obey You, and help me to become more obedient.

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