The Master Watchmaker

The Master Watchmaker

All things work together for good to those who love God. 

 — Romans 8:28 (NKJV)

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Romans 8:18-28

The Swiss are known for many things: their chocolate, their neutrality, their banking, and their precision watches.  In this age of digital everything, I’m fascinated by the workmanship, detail, and skill in handmade, old-school watches.  The attention to detail in forming each tiny piecesprings, cogs, wheels, and gearsis amazing. These pieces seem to have no rhyme or reason when seen independently on the workbench. But as the master watchmaker takes each piece in its order and places it precisely where it belongs, the watch begins to take shape. The assembling and reassembling continue as the watchmaker fine-tunes and adjusts each piece to work with or even counter-balance other pieces. When all this has been accomplished and all the parts come together, the watch not only tells time but is an instrument of precision that will keep accurate, exact time for years and even generations. 

In Romans 8: 28, Paul tells us that “all things work together for good to those who love God” (NKJV). However, in life we sometimes wonder why certain things happen, and what God is doing. How can this be “for good”? We wonder how and when will the issues we are dealing with ever fit together or be useful. But as the watchmaker knows how to fit pieces together to make a valuable timepiece, God knows how to use the events and circumstances of our lives to make something beautiful.  Someday we will look back and see how His hand was ordering the events in our lives and shaping us into the person He wants us to be in His Kingdom. Just as the pieces in the watch can’t be placed in just any order, so the issues of our lives must be arranged by the LORD, dealing with one thing and then the next before we are ready for the positions He has for us. 

Let us submit to Him as our Master, knowing that He is using the pieces of our lives to make us useful to Him. 

Reflection: What circumstance in your life seemed insurmountable but God eventually used it for good? Who might you be able to encourage by sharing that testimony? 

Prayer Starter:

Lord, help me to trust You to do all things well for me. I ask You to make me useful to You in what You are preparing me to be in Your kingdom.

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