Are You Chasing The Wind?

Are You Chasing The Wind?

Ecclesiastes 1:2 “Absolute futility”

says the Teacher.

“Absolute Futility!

Everything is futile.”

Additional Scripture

Ecclesiastes 1:4-8 & 2:1-11

Is your fulfillment coming from the world?

Are you attracted to the things of the world?

Does it drive you to do things that aren’t necessary?

Are you trying to find satisfaction and gratification with the pleasures of the world?

You can see that even King Solomon tried many things to find fulfillment, but failed at everything he was humanly able to do in his own power. And if you answered yes to any of the questions above then that only makes us human.

However, once our temporal worldly fulfillment runs dry, We start to feel that void once again. That’s a clear indication that seeking answers and fulfillment through worldly pleasure will not fill in that empty space that only our Lord Jesus can.

It's time we open our eyes and see that the world we live in calls us to things that aren’t always important or necessary.

God wants us to be successful, but he doesn’t want us to find fulfillment in success instead we need to chase after God and success will follow.

Prayer: Lord, I'm tired of living a meaningless life, I acknowledge that I have chased after the wind at times, and I pray that you redirect my eyes and guide my every footstep. I pray that you break all my habits, good or bad, that take me away from you.

I trust that you will bring fulfillment to my heart and life so that it overflows through me so that my life also can become a testimony.


Pastor Terrence Punjabi

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