Mustard Seed Faith

Mustard Seed Faith

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. —Matthew 17:20

In 2009 when I co-hosted a TV talk show, I shared on the show the frustration I had experienced 10 years earlier after being fired from my job and the many no’s I received in seeking to find another job. I went on to testify that now yeses and goodness and mercy were following me, and I extended an invitation to any viewers who felt like giving up because they were getting many no’s in their lives to call in or send a text so I could pray with them. “The God of yeses wants to change your situation around,” I encouraged. “Yeses are in your future.” 

A few days later, I got a text message from a young lady who said she had been fired from her job several years earlier and was having difficulty finding new employment. All seemed hopeless for her and, depressed, she felt like giving up on life. Because I too had been there, I knew with confidence that if she trusted in God, her yeses were on the way. “God is going to turn around your situation,” I texted her back. I shared her story with a pastor, and he and his wife offered to travel to Belize City to minister to her as I wasn’t able to take time off from work to do so. The young lady was grateful for the visit and accepted the pastor and his wife’s invitation to come to Belmopan to spend some time at their home. 

When I met her, I got a word of knowledge that she would have great job offers. This was now her time for yeses.  When I said this to her, she was skeptical, saying that she had sent out lots of applications and had not received any kind of response. I told her, “Those applications you thought were dead will be resurrected. It is your yes time.” She looked me up and down and said, “Whatever.”

Two weeks after, the first yes came from a telephone company. Elated, she began her new job. One month later, another, larger, telephone company called her with a better offer. She telephoned me for advice, and I told her to let the first company know about the new offer, and since this was now her yes time, the company would increase her salary to keep her. And it did! 

In her season of no’s, she had been frustrated and skeptical. But she picked up the phone and texted. 

Jesus says in Matthew 17:20, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.”

That promise is for all who believe in Him. So, no more head hung low or hands clenched in frustration. Straighten your spine, raise your chin, and, in faith, fix your sight firmly on God’s promises. I want to tell you that God loves you, and He has great things in store for your life.   

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