Love forgets mistakes; nagging about them parts the best of friends (TLB). —Proverbs 17:9
Click Here for Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 17:1-9
In the early years of my marriage with my wife Pearlette, I had a problem. I was compulsive about cleaning. It used to bother me when I thought things were out of order. Pearlette had every reason to get upset over my pettiness about cleaning, but she never let what I said bother her or cause friction between us. One day when a friend of hers was at our home, I asked Pearlette when she would sweep the floor in the kitchen and dining area. The friend looked at the floor, then she looked at me and asked, “Robert, what will she clean? This house looks quite clean to me.” That day, I finally realized that I needed to stop making an issue where there was none. Pearlette loved me unconditionally through that period of mistakes.
Throughout 30 years of marriage, Pearlette and I surely have seen each other fumble and fail many times. But instead of holding on to each other's wrongs, we choose to “forget [each other’s] mistakes” and refrain from “nagging about them,” as Proverbs 17:9 says we should.
Whether it’s marriage or other relationships, forgiveness is the key to true love. We should not speak poorly of each other; instead, we should accept and support one another in the best and worst of times. This doesn't mean we should evade difficult truths. In true love, we can be honest but considerate of feelings. Don’t just focus on what the other person says—words that may trigger anger. Instead, be mindful of what the other person may be feeling.
And when you are the one who feels wronged or hurt, remember love forgets mistakes.
Reflect: Is there someone close to you who has offended you? What practical step can you take to restore the relationship?
Prayer Starter:
Dear God, help me to let go of past hurts and choose to see the good in those I care about. Grant me the strength to forgive freely and readily, just as you forgive me, so that my love forgets mistakes and can be a beacon of grace and compassion.
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