Carry Your Candle

Carry Your Candle

You are the light of the world: like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. —Matthew 5:14 (NLT)

Click Here to Read Today's Scripture: Matthew 5: 13-16

Earlier this year, the power company conducted a series of load shedding exercises throughout Belize to curtail the consumption of electricity. Whenever a power outage was announced, I’d be sure to gather my candles, matches, and lighters to ensure I would be somewhat equipped in the dark. Looking back, I chuckle as I recollect those moments when my son Isaac would shout for me to come find him. It was as though the darkness paralyzed him. However, the moment I approached with the candle, he confidently stepped into the path lit by the candle. The darkness was no longer a stumbling factor.

Jesus affirms that if we are his disciples, we are “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14a). This indicates that the world is a dark place; therefore, the Lord commands that we shine His light in this world. To be a disciple of Jesus means He is the great teacher and we follow His example. Thus, just as He is the “light of the world” (John 8:12), being His disciples, we are to light the way for the lost by living for God.

Throughout the power outage period, I observed that although the candle had only a little flame, its light was great, and the darkness could not overcome it. Likewise, we are the little flame the Lord uses to shine His bright light in this dark world. The Bible says that the Lord is patient as he wishes that no one would perish but come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). It is to this cause that I urge you to carry your candle.

When we live our lives in a way that embodies Christ, our light shines so bright it cannot be ignored. “Like a city on a hilltop,” our light “cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14b).

Reflect: Do you live your life in a way that sets a Christ-like example for others? Does the way you live your life lead others to the Lord?

Prayer Starter:

Lord, I thank you for being our great teacher. Help us to shine Your light in this dark world so that those we encounter will also encounter You.

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