But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.
— 1 John 2:5-6
Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: 1 John 2
I used to listen daily to Austin Johnson’s version of the song “I Love Your Presence,” a song that always put my heart in a sincere posture of worship. It was a song I could not sing with mere words but one that reached the depths of my soul with a profound awareness of the Lord’s presence in my life. Like David, it was a place my soul yearned to be forever (Psalm 84:2).
When meditating on the words of the song, the question would surface: How can one truly remain in the presence of the Lord? 1 John chapter 2 indicates that the love of the Father cannot be found in one who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Thus, to be in the presence of the Lord, one must accept that the way to the Father is through Jesus Christ. Verses 5-6 help us to truly understand how one can remain in the Lord’s presence. That is, to obey His word by living as Jesus did. In other words, to remain in the presence of the Lord is to know the Word (Jesus) and walk in obedience to his commands (abiding in him).
In being mindful of inviting the presence of God, we must seek His face daily. We must have fellowship with Christ to know what pleases Him and what grieves the Holy Spirit. A practical example: turning on worldly music at the break of dawn or giving in to fleshly desires are unlikely to invite the presence of the Lord. Inviting the presence of the Lord requires being intentional: Wake up and read God’s word for the day’s guidance. Rejoice and worship Him with songs. Talk with Him throughout the day.
Reflect: Have you intentionally invited the presence of the Lord today? What are some ways that you can do so each day?
Prayer Starter:
Lord, help me to obey your word that I may always be mindful of your presence in my life.
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