The Dorcas Next Door

The Dorcas Next Door

She was always doing good and helping the poor. Acts 9:36

Click Here for Today’s Bible Reading: Acts 9:36-42

I have a neighbour who checks on me regularly to make sure I’m doing okay.  She has become a mother to me and my children.  She always gives gifts for our birthdays; she checks in when we are sick; she was there when both of my parents died. I have many wonderful memories of her loving kindness, generosity, and care.  She reaches out to virtually everyone, whether stranger or friend.  I will never forget all that she has done for our family and the footprint of generosity she has left in our lives.  She is the true image of love to her neighbours.

Thinking of her, I recall the story told in Acts 9: “In Joppa, there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor” (v 36). Dorcas’ generous spirit moved those around her so much that when she died, her neighbours begged Peter to resurrect her, and he did (v 37-40). 

We never know how greatly our acts of kindness toward our neighbours could impact their lives.  May God position us to be lights in our neighbourhoods and everywhere we go.

Reflect: Is your life a reflection of God's love? Are you the Dorcas in your neighbourhood, workplace, and surroundings?

Prayer starter:

Lord, ignite the spirit of giving in me that I may let others experience your kindness, generosity, care, and love.

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