Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13

“Our Father, who art in heaven…” This is a prayer etched in my heart and mind, as for most of us Christians, so much so that it sometimes becomes merely a religious repetition. Do we really understand the deep meaning it holds?

I have had so many crossroads in this journey called life, but one that clearly stands out is the day I had one flour tortilla dough left in the fridge and 4 children to feed. I remember baking that one tortilla and cutting it into four pieces—one piece for each child. We sat at the dinner table with our cups of lemongrass tea. Tears rolled from my eyes as I watched my children, each with the one small piece of tortilla on the plate in front of them. They sat there looking at me, refusing to eat because there was not enough for me. I coaxed them into eating their piece of tortilla, reassuring them that I would be okay.

It was during this time of lack that I truly understood, especially, these words from the Lord’s prayer: “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11).  I always saw the goodness of God in providing for our daily needs, but now I truly knew it and truly understood why we should be grateful. Since that day I have valued every meal God has provided for me and my family.  Each day I give Him thanks before I ask for His provisions.

Let us not wait until we need something from God to recognize His goodness in providing for us.  Let’s make gratitude our constant offering to God, knowing that He will always give us our daily bread.

Reflect: What are you thankful for today? How can you express this to God wholeheartedly?

Prayer Starter:

Lord, it is through Your grace and mercy that you provide for us daily.  Thank you, Heavenly Father. May we be mindful and grateful always.

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