God Wants to Use Your Story

God Wants to Use Your Story

Return home and tell how much God has done for you—Luke 8:39a

I often share freely about the challenges I face in my life, as encouragement to others who are fighting their own battles. I want to be okay with being vulnerable and to show that being a Christian doesn’t mean I am perfect.

I felt the calling of God on my life from my early teens, and I often tried to answer that call but there were many obstacles along the way. One of the greatest pitfalls was when family members who professed to be Christians showed no love, compassion, or forgiveness towards me. I believed this to be the portrait of what it would be like if I served God, and my heart turned against Christianity. My mom, who loved her Jesus so much, always insisted that I change my life and go to church. But the rebellious spirit in me just refused.

When mom passed away, my heart ached that I had not become the woman she wanted me to be.  I was already facing so many challenges and making all the wrong decisions for my life.  I became a single mother of three boys at a young age because of some of those choices.  I made all the mistakes young people make.  I was ashamed and carried a lot of guilt. Witnessing my mother’s last breath was an awakening for me, the moment I knew I had to get to know the Jesus she loved so much, because I wanted to see her again. I wanted the hope and faith she had. I wanted to live, not just exist.

I promised myself that my mom’s prayers were not going to be in vain. As the years drifted by, there was a constant back and forth and highs and lows in my spiritual walk.  Many times the challenges of life knocked me down, and I had to start all over again. Guilt and shame still lingered over me.  Despite all that, God seemed determined to not let me go.  Every trial and tribulation always led me back to Him, and He was always there with open arms. These experiences solidified my certainty that there is a God, and He loves me to the moon and back.

I want my imperfection to bear witness that it is by Christ’s grace and mercy alone that I am standing. He paid the price on Calvary so that all who believe in him may gain righteousness. God is well aware that we are not perfect. Psalms 103:14 says, “for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.”

I want to never be ashamed of where I used to be because my story allows the glory of God to be manifested so that others will have hope, faith, and trust in the God who never fails.

If you are feeling burdened today or ashamed of where you are or have been, I want you to know that Christ is able to take you out of the pit and the miry clay and plant your feet on the rock (Psalm 40:2). He wants you, me, and all believers to “tell how much God has done for [us]” (Luke 8:39a).

Here are some suggestions to help you share a testimony (tell what God has done for you):

First, pray and seek God’s guidance. Ask Him what it is that He would want you to share.

Secondly, examine your motives for telling the story. Ensure your purpose is not to hurt or defame anyone but to help others on their journey.

Also, if you know your heart is sincere, don’t worry about being judged or misunderstood. Remain focused on the purpose that your story will serve and how it can help others.

And finally, remember to give God the glory when you share your story. He deserves all the glory and honour.

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