An Intentional Prayer

An Intentional Prayer

 I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me. —John 17:9 (NKJV)

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: John 17:6-26

I recently had the pleasure of attending a servant leaders' appreciation dinner at our church.  As the evening was winding down, the host asked our pastor, his wife, and children to come up front; then he asked the rest of us to pray for them. As I pondered this, the Holy Spirit ministered to my heart.  

Speaking to His Father as He prayed for His disciples, Jesus said, I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours” (John 17:9, NKJV). He further said, “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word” (v. 20). Jesus displayed His love for all believers in this petition. This was not a prayer for just anyone. We were singled out. It was intentional. 

We need to follow Jesus’ example and pray intentional prayers for specific people. My pastor and his family come to mind. I can speak of the goodness of my pastor and his wife: their humble and caring demeanour, the dedication and love they have for us, their zeal and passion to serve Christ. I love that they are pastors I can share a laugh with, but also that they are pastors I can share a cry with. Some of us give our pastors sleepless nights. We ask them for prayers, or to pray with us. But do we do the same for them?

Saying a special prayer for them is an act of appreciation to God for giving them to us. It is an act of love toward them. Jesus was grateful to God for giving us to Him. Are we grateful for those God has given to us? Let our prayers for our pastors and other leaders be intentional, fervent, and spirit-led. Praying for them strengthens them to be able to encourage and support us. As they help us in our times of need, let us petition our Father to meet them at their points of need.

Reflect: How often do you pray for those in leadership of the Church?

Prayer Starter:

Heavenly Father, we are forever grateful that you have given pastors and church leaders to us—men and women who symbolize the love and care You have for those who serve You.

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