A Service to God

A Service to God

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through…the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. —Romans 15:4

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Romans 15: 1-13

I had always loved reading and writing. There was always a lot on my mind and in my heart that was hard to share with anyone, so writing became my outlet—a safe haven where I could commune with God heart to heart.  I would tell Him of my joys, sorrows, failures, successes, and my petitions. Going through life’s challenges and sharing some of those writings with a few people, individually, gave me comfort because I felt these instances of sharing made a difference in that person’s life.  Several of them suggested I write a book, and I would say, “Maybe someday.” Every now and then the thought would resurface that maybe I should, indeed, try writing a book. Then my life’s journey led me to a new home church, LifeNet, which had a blog and was in the process of forming a writing team. The leader invited me to join the team, and I accepted. However, in my heart I was a little reluctant because I was not sure that was where God wanted me to serve.  I never considered writing as a service to God. However,  that quickly changed after penning just the first few lines of my first story for the blog. God saw my reluctance but He knew my heart, and so here I am.  

Whether it’s a stand-alone story, a devotional, or an article, I get to share my life experiences—the good, the not so good and the in-between. My failures, successes, and God’s victories in the battles I’ve surrendered to Him. Although I wouldn’t dare compare my writing with God’s Holy Word, it serves a similar role. The writers of the Bible ministered to the people of their day and to us today through the written word. In Romans 15:4, Paul says, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” When our testimonies of God’s love give someone else hope, God is working through us. 

Therefore, for me writing is a ministry. It's a skill and hobby I’ve had for many years and am now able to use to serve God’s people. For others, it's cooking, baking, repairing things, hospitality, driving, playing with children, etc. 

Reflection: How about you? What are your skills and hobbies? How might you use these to serve God in either an existing ministry or in your everyday life?

Prayer Starter:

Heavenly Father, as You have gifted me with skills and abilities, give me the spirit of sharing so I may be a blessing to others. And help me to not make it about me but about You so that all glory and honor will be Yours. 

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