A King Without a Crown

A King Without a Crown

Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? —Matthew 2:2a

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12

In high school, I had a classmate who was always unkempt and seemed to be a timid, weird recluse.  That was the general notion held by a majority of the class, and my interactions with him were at best restricted to “hello.” However, there was this day when it rained heavily and he and I waited for the rain to subside while most of our classmates went home. We had a brief conversation that became the basis of what slowly burgeoned into a close friendship that I gained a lot from. Thus, I discovered and experienced the in-depth nature of that young man, who was like a gem covered in mud.

The way I initially acted towards my classmate reminds me of the wise men who came to look for Jesus – the King of the Jews – so as to worship Him (Matthew 2:2). However, they had preconceived ideas as to where a king would reside and the things a king should have, such as a crown or a palace. Hence, they went to Jerusalem, the city of kings, in their search for Jesus. But little did they know, not all kings wear a crown or live in a palace.

Similarly, the preconceived ideas we use as  measuring tapes for determining friendships and making life-impacting decisions are mostly born out of specifications that our  society indoctrinates us with rather than God’s specifications. The wise men were temporarily carried away by societal specifications and swayed from God’s leadership, which was signified by the star. However, when they followed the star and solely depended on God’s leadership, they were able to find baby Jesus, the true King of the Jews, and they worshipped Him (Matthew 2:2, 9-11).

As 2023 turns into 2024, let us learn to recognize Jesus, our Lord and King. Let us totally submit our will, plans and ways to Him so that we can be successful in all we do (Proverbs 16:3).

Reflection: Is there a particular matter in which you need God’s leadership right now? What are the distractions that you need to veer away from so you can fully surrender the matter to God?  

Prayer Starter:

Thank you, Jesus, for Your great demonstration of love for me when You came to earth to be my redeemer and king. In all my concerns and cares, please help me to always seek and yield to Your guidance above all other options.

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