

John 1:12 But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.

Additional Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:19-20; James 5:16

We are all one choice from living a different story. Ultimately all our choices in this life will lead us to life or death. Choosing Jesus Christ, means choosing life. When we choose Him, we are gifted with His Power and through that Power we live as overcomers.

The presence of God's power in us, is also the presence of His potential in us. The Potential to BECOME inspired, transformed and spirit filled followers of Christ. We LIVE in pursuit of Christ. This doesn't mean we just exist, but we continue to learn and grow even in harsh conditions. His Power is released in us when we step out into His calling. But stepping out often means we must leave the place we are stuck in and take a leap of faith toward the place where God is leading.

When we OBEY God and follow Him, it releases the kind Power that brings healing and transformation to our lives and the lives of others. It activates our anointing.

The devil is threatened by activated Jesus followers! Though you may face opposition, keep moving! The walls before you will come down as you PUSH in prayer! Don't be discouraged if those walls don't come down right away, your earnest prayer has great power and produces wonderful results!

It is the Lord who fights for you.

Pray, that the Lord releases Resurrection Power in you, the kind that makes the darkness tremble.

Exercise stepping out beyond your comfort zone, this is where barriers are broken!

Step out in His Power,

Pastor Kudzai

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