

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. —Hebrews 13:8

Click Here to Read Today's Scripture: Hebrews 13:1-8

Although in Belize we don’t have fall and winter, these days as I go to and from work I see definite signs that the season is changing. As December approaches, the weather is cooler in the mornings, and in the evenings it's starting to get dark earlier. As always, this time of year, I'm enjoying the cool, refreshing atmosphere.

In my life I've noticed that each season I enter is very different from the previous ones. In some seasons, I have experienced much happiness and cheer, while in others, I have had much grief and testing. I recently went from a season of anguish and hurt to a season of peace, and the strongest indicator that my season had changed was the restoration of my joy.

The beauty of entering new seasons is that I get to figure out how God reveals Himself to me, personally, in each stage of my life. I see Him as God the provider in one season, God the comforter in another, and God the healer in another.

He is the God of all seasons. Regardless of how they vary, He remains constant. Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

There is no period in life when we do not require God. He is present regardless of how big or small our needs are. It is important that we acknowledge and call on Him in every season.

Reflection: What season are you in right now? How are you seeing God moving in your life?

 Prayer starter:

Father, thank you for being the God of every season of my life. I give this and every season to you. 

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