A Father

A Father

A father to the fatherless…is God in his holy dwelling. —Psalm 68:5

Click Here to Read Today's Scripture: Psalm 68

One day, as I was talking with my four-year-old nephew Aziel, he said, “I want to call my dad right now.” However, his dad was at work, and I knew he would not be able to take Aziel's call. Suddenly, I started crying, wishing I could pick up my phone and call my dad. At the age of 14, I lost my dad to suicide, and 13 years later, there I was, crying because I couldn’t call him. My dad was my hero, the person I knew would always be there for me no matter what. He was my protector.  Once he was in the room, I knew nothing bad could happen to me. Losing my dad at 14 was the biggest heartbreak I have ever experienced. 

After losing my earthly father, John, I had to learn how to fully lean on God for everything. When I needed to feel the love of a father, there He was. When I needed a new pair of shoes, God provided them. Yet, it was not easy for me because I couldn’t see God or hug him as I could with my earthly dad. But then I would cry out to God, and I would feel his immense love for me. Psalm 68:5 says, "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling." He is our Father, our protector, and the one we can run to when we feel lost. He is the one we can turn to whenever our earthly father is absent, whatever the reason may be. Unlike our earthly father, God will always be there.

Reflect: Knowing that God, our Heavenly Father, is always with you, do you call on Him as much as you should? And if your earthly dad is within reach, are you loving on him as much as you can?

Prayer Starter:

Thank you, God, for being there for me in every situation. Thank you for being my Father.

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