Talking to Myself

Talking to Myself

I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. —Psalm 42:11

Click Here to Read Today's Scripture: Psalms 42 and 43

I have a confession to make: I talk to myself. In the car, while doing chores at home, shopping, or walking down the street. I talk to myself everywhere. Occasionally, someone catches me at it. I can tell because the person looks at me questioningly, perhaps wondering if I’m all right. I can’t blame it on aging because I’ve been talking to myself for years. When I talk to myself, I am usually trying to work out a problem in my mind.

In Psalm 42:11 we see someone talking to himself:

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

The psalmist recognized he was feeling down, disturbed, and distressed. Instead of complaining, he decided to give himself a good talking to! He consciously directed his attention away from the problems and toward God: Yes, life is hard, but I am going to put my hope in God. He is worthy of my praise. He is my Savior; He is my God.

In fact, the writer repeated his challenge to his own soul three times, twice in Psalm 42 and once in Psalm 43. He had been struggling in his mind, in his soul, and he had to encourage himself three times to change his focus. 

Recently, I found myself talking to myself during worship time at church. I was facing a huge financial need, and I felt anxiety rising in me.  Then, as everyone around me was singing, I began to talk to myself: God has not changed. He is faithful and true. He provided before; He will provide again. He already knows what He will do to meet the need. He has never failed me, and He won’t start now.  When finished talking to myself, I felt encouraged. I just needed to be reminded that God is bigger than my problem.

Reflect: Do you need to remind yourself of the greatness of God? What aspect of God’s character do you need to remember in your current situation?

Prayer Starter:

Father, when the problems are so big, I need reminding that you are so much bigger. Remind me who you are, so I can speak those truths to myself and focus on you.


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