I Will Still Praise Him

I Will Still Praise Him

My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you. —Psalm 42:6

Click Here to Read Today's Scripture: Psalms 42 and 43

I saw the dark, threatening sky ahead as I drove home. The sky seemed to match my emotional state. That week had been excruciating. Life’s pressures seemed overwhelming. I had seldom felt so alone. 

As I rounded the curve, I saw itthe beginnings of a rainbow. In the next few minutes, the rainbow grew until it seemed to fill the sky. It was the largest, most brilliant rainbow I had ever seen. For a full five minutes my tear-filled eyes feasted on the sight as I drove. Praise burst forth from my heart and through my lips. I was not alone! God saw me, He heard me, and He reminded me that His promises are true.

Then I drove into the dark clouds, the rain so heavy I could hardly see. But I was still praising because God had revealed His presence surrounding me. And though the situations that had overwhelmed me did not change quickly, I was changed. My focus was back where it should always be, on God my Savior. 

Everyone goes through times when circumstances and problems seem to blot out the light in our souls. We lose our joy and peace. The author of Psalms 42 and 43 felt that. In 42:9 he confesses, “I say to God my Rock, ‘Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go about mourning?’” But he goes on to remind himself: 

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
For I will yet praise him
My savior and my God.
(v. 42:5,11 and 43:5)

Though the world at times seems to be shaken to the foundations, He is our true foundation. Our peace of mind does not depend on whatever we are currently going through. God used a magnificent rainbow that afternoon to return my attention to Him and His greatness. But these Psalms tell us we can remind ourselves of God’s greatness and goodness. And that even in the storm, we can still praise Him. The problems are real, but God is more real, and He is greater than anything we may face. 

Reflect: What were some times in the past when God helped you through a difficulty? How can you use those memories of God’s goodness to get through future hardships? 

Prayer Starter:

Father, thank you for never leaving me, even in the darkest times. Help me to remind myself to put my hope in you and praise you through future storms, knowing you are with me.

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