Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning

He isn't here! He is risen from the dead. —Matthew 28:6 (NLT). 

Click Here to Read Today's Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10

Around the world, Easter is celebrated with great festivity and feasting, both in the church and in popular culture. Here in Belize, we look forward to special items or decorations at Sunday service; sporting events and leisure time at the river or beach; and fried fish, hot cross bun, and sweet potato pound. 

For Jesus’ followers, the first Easter, and preceeding days, was a time of great chaos and panic as He was arrested by armed men and sentenced to death despite His innocence. Crowds of people turned against him, shouting, “Crucify him!” Roman soldiers slapped, punched, spat on, flogged, tortured, and hanged Him on a cross. It all drove such terror into the hearts of His followers, they scattered and hid, afraid for their lives (Matthew 26:47-75; 27).

But then came Sunday morning. Again there was chaos and a lot of running, but this time “with great joy” after the two Marys who went to visit Jesus’ tomb were told by the angel of the Lord, “He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead”  (Matthew 28:6-8, NLT). Hearing the great news, Peter and John ran to the tomb and saw that it was empty (John 20:3-10). And then Jesus himself appeared to them and the other disciples (John 20:11-29). 

As Christians, we serve a risen Lord who conquered sin and death on the cross. That victory, that Sunday morning, was our victory. Therefore, even in the midst of our greatest struggle, even on our darkest day, we have hope. Truly, we have a reason to celebrate Easter! 

Reflect: What does the hope of Easter mean to you, personally? How might you be able to share that with other Christians or nonbelievers this week? 

Prayer Starter:

Jesus, thank you for loving me so much that you willingly endured the harshest of punishment for my sin so that I can have a life of hope and victory. 

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