Plug it In

Plug it In

For us there is but one God, the Father, who is the source of all things. 

—1 Corinthians 8:6 (AMP)

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: 1 Corinthians 8:1-6

Our Writing Team had a meet-up at church where, fueled by coffee, tea, and dessert, we spent two hours hanging out and writing. As soon as he arrived, one writer mentioned that he would need to keep his laptop plugged in because the battery wasn’t able to store much power. Thankfully, it seemed that one of our always very thoughtful pastors had anticipated this need as right near our work area was a long extension cord plugged into a power outlet. Our team chit-chatted for a bit about the devotional or story we were working on. Then we hunkered down with our laptops writing quietly, instrumental music playing in the background. Suddenly there was an "Oops!" as our friend's laptop ran out of power. He had forgotten to plug it in! 

Far more tragically, Saul, Israel's first king, lost his throne due to repeatedly disregarding his source of power. In 1 Samuel we learn that though Saul was handsome and very tall, he wasn’t exactly king material (9:21). But, having anointed him, "God changed Saul's heart" and "the Spirit of God came powerfully upon him" (10:9-10). Saul, however, consistently ignored God's very clear, specific instructions delivered by His prophet Samuel. Saul lived his life often disconnected from God and, ultimately, God rejected him as king (15:28). 

As Christians, we enjoy direct, personal relationship with God who is “for us…the source of all things” (1 Corinthians 8:6 AMP). We must remain vigilant, however, so that worldly distractions do not lure us away from God. May we remain constantly plugged into Him through prayer, studying His Word, and completely surrendering our lives to Him. 

Reflect: Do you rely on God as your power source? To what extent are you plugged in right now? 

Prayer Starter

Lord, there are times when I fail to acknowledge that you are the source of my life and every need. But I thank you for being a loving, generous, all-powerful God. 

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