Playdough Evangelism

Playdough Evangelism

Nothing can ever separate us from God's love. –Romans 8:38 (NLT)

Click Here to Read Today's Scripture: Romans: 8:31-39

“Come say hello to my friend,” I hollered upstairs for my nephew Isaac and niece Isaanra, seven and six years old. They were spending the week with me in Belmopan to attend Vacation Bible School and had both thoroughly enjoyed their first day. “Tell Miss Margaret what you did at VBS this morning,” I prompted as a conversation starter. A little shy at first, they mentioned singing songs, playing games, doing arts and crafts, and making new friends. “And the playdough? What did your teacher have you do with the playdough?”

They told how they made a heart with green playdough, which stands for God. Then they made a smiley face with blue playdough, which stands for us. “Then we smushed the two of them together,” they said, demonstrating with their hand movements just how thoroughly God got mixed in with us. “And what does that mean?” “It means nothing can ever separate us from God's love!” they chorused. And Margaret, ever the encourager, said, “Amen!”

Each day of VBS, Isaac and Isaanra came home with hearts full of Bible teachings and joy and hands full of arts and crafts projects. But, by far, those two blobs of blue-green playdough got played with the most–everyday, all over the house. I'd find one flattened like a tortilla on the dining room floor. The next moment, I'd find the tortilla in a bedroom, on the front cover of a storybook. I even found some of it, gooey and sticky, on the outside wall near the front door. But what did I do? I smiled. This sometimes grumpy aunty who likes a clean house actually smiled. Because this wasn't just any old playdough messing up my house. This was the Gospel being spread around my house by a seven and six-year old. 

In Romans 8:38, Paul reassures us that no matter who we are or what sins we commit, once we’ve received Jesus in our heart,  “nothing can ever separate us from God's love” (NLT). That is, indeed, great news!

Reflect: How important is children's ministry at your church? How can you help the children in your life learn and share more about God's love?

Prayer Starter:

Lord, thank You for loving me so completely that there's nothing I can do to earn or lose it. Give me a child-like heart to receive Your love and eagerly tell others about it. 

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