Let Loose

Let Loose

David was dancing before the Lord with all his might. —2 Samuel 6:14

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: 2 Samuel 6

The mid-forties gentleman standing at the edge of the ground-level stage at the Gospel Expo was obviously enjoying the dance performance by four young ladies in shiny costumes. He was bobbing his head to the upbeat worship song…mouthing the lyrics…deeply immersed in the moment. Suddenly he flung up an arm and leapt onto the stage ballerina-style. He was part of the church dance group! "And pastor of the church," a friend beside me said, laughing at my shocked expression.  At first, I didn't know what to think or how to feel as I watched the pastor chasseing and ribbon-twirling in sync with the other dancers. But he didn't seem the least bit self-conscious. He was praising the Lord! 

In a somewhat similar scene, King David was “dancing before the Lord with all his might” as he and the other Israelites were returning the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:14). It’s one of my favorite images in the Bible, a king let loose like that, “with shouts and the sound of trumpets…leaping and dancing before the Lord" (v15-16). David, in fact, is known for freely expressing a range of emotions before God. Earlier in that same chapter, Uzzah was struck down by God after the oxcart that carried the Ark stumbled, and Uzzah reached out and touched the Ark to steady it. As a result, “David was angry,” and he was “afraid of the Lord that day” (v 8-9).

David’s passion and unbridled emotions are what make him so relatable. They’re part of the reason we often turn to his Psalms for encouragement and comfort. His actions and sentiments reflect our humanity back to us, and I think we find that very reassuring, especially when we consider that God saw him as “a man after His own heart” (2 Samuel 13:14). 

Reflect: How might your free expression of emotion deepen your relationship with God? How might it be an encouragement to others? 

Prayer Starter:

Father, I give my whole self to you: my joys, my sorrows, and all of my heart.

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