In the Commotion

In the Commotion

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil. —Psalm 23:4

Click Here to Read Today's Scripture: Psalm 23 

Kalang-galang-galang-galang! The noise jarred our family to attention, causing us to drop whatever we were doing and dash toward the river about twenty yards from our house. My father had rigged a contraption to catch one of the huge jewfish known to inhabit the river. He attached a large hook to one end of a thick fishing line, which he baited and sunk deep in the river with a piece of lead. Then he tied the other end of the line to a pole near the river’s edge, and at the top of the pole, he mounted a bell made with an empty milk can and a large nail dangling inside. The idea was, if a fish took the bait, as it pulled against the line, the bell would alert us. And boy, did it ever! Kalang-galang-galang-galang! The noise meant good news, but, for me, at eight years old, it was quite frightening to watch the adults and older siblings struggle with the gigantic fish for some time before finally wrestling it onshore with the rake. 

I've experienced other, more serious, commotion in my life—childhood trauma, divorce, betrayal. But, looking back, I realize that always, God was right there in the midst of it. Even when the chaos was of my own making, He always showed up and lovingly rescued me. King David knew this all too well. As leader of Israel's army, many times he was “pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped [him]” (Psalm 118:13). No wonder in Psalm 23:4, he's so confident in declaring: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You [God] are with me.” 

Likewise, you and me. No matter how distressing or messy our situation may be, no matter if it's a result of our own sin, God is always faithful to those who whole-heartedly call out to Him. He is always there in the midst of our commotion. 

Reflect: Are you or someone you know experiencing a life upheaval? What difference does it make to know God is in the midst of it? 

Prayer Starter:

Lord, life can be hard sometimes. Thank you for Your promise to never leave me nor forsake me. Help me to seek you out and recognize your presence in every situation. 

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