High Tea in Hot Jungle

High Tea in Hot Jungle

So Moses took his wife and sons…And he took the rod of God in his hand. —Exodus 4:20

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Exodus 4

The first time I visited the Botanical Garden at Caves Branch, twelve miles south of Belmopan, the experience was so enriching and the spring-like atmosphere so idyllic, I knew I had to return someday to write, either with my students or a group of friends. I did so this past weekend with the Writing Team at our church. With anticipation, I had arranged for the one-hour garden tour, followed by a sharing/conversation at the poolside, and, best of all, two hours of writing while being served “high tea,” British-style, in the outdoor gazebo. The staff at Caves Branch was very accommodating and wonderful—from the reservations personnel to the tour guides to our very attentive tea host. But on this visit, the day was hot. Sweltering hot and humid! 

We had a wonderful time overall. My friends endured the heat with grace. But by midday, in a few of their faces, I could see the energy levels drooping like withering hibiscus petals. I thought, What was I thinking, dragging these people into the middle of the Belizean jungle, smack in the middle of May?! 

I experienced a tiny fraction of the turmoil Moses must have felt leading the Israelites in the wilderness. In his case, Moses did not even want the role and only accepted it after God reassured Him He would send his brother Aaron to help him (Exodus 4:13-15). But, unlike my dear friends who never complained, the Israelites murmured and griped at practically every turn. Granted, their hardships were real; but, unfairly, they tried to hold Moses personally responsible for their sufferings and needs (14:10-12; 15:23-24; 16:2-8, 17:1-3). Imagine how Moses must have struggled—emotionally, mentally, and spiritually—every single day. 

Even with God’s anointing, leadership of any kind is challenging. I think of my pastor and his wife, Kudzai and Tanya, who shepherd hundreds of people, many old enough to be their parents. I think of pastors and their families, in general, who bear tremendous burdens, even if it doesn’t show. Let us each encourage and support our spiritual leaders in whatever ways we can. 

Reflect: Is there a pastor or church leader who comes to mind as someone you might be able to encourage or support? What step/s can you take in doing so this week, month, or year?   

Prayer Starter:

Lord, I thank you for all church pastors and others who serve in leadership. Bless and refresh them and their families each day.


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