

I the LORD your God…[will show] love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. Exodus 20: 5-6 

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Genesis 20:1-17

When my dad was in high school, one of his classmates was a boy named Calvin. Decades later, when I moved to Belmopan, I met Calvin through his real estate business. He was delighted to meet a daughter of his childhood friend, though sorry to have learned, a few years earlier, that my dad had passed away. Not long after our meeting, I received a call from Mr. Calvin about a parcel of land my dad once owned, which was about to be auctioned. He felt that my dad's children should know about the sale, especially since the price was expected to be very affordable. Today, one of my nephews owns and lives on the land in a lovely home he built for his young family. 

God loves and blesses His children individually. However, He also delights in blessing us generationally. In handing down the Ten Commandments to the children of Israel, He promised to show love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments (Exodus 20: 6). And in Deuteronomy, Moses catalogs an extensive list of blessings that God promised to those who obey him (28:1-14). By the same token, being righteous and just, God also clearly indicates the generational consequences for those who disobey him: “punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation” (Exodus 20: 5-6).

What we sow today, our children, grandchildren, and great, great, great, etc. grandchildren will reap tomorrow. Whether we have biological children or not, our life choices impact future generations. 

Reflect: What seeds are you sowing in your life today? Do you want your descendants to reap the fruits that those seeds produce? 

Prayer Starter:

Lord, thank you for all your blessings on my life. Help me to be an obedient person who delights in doing Your will. May my descendants not only receive Your greatest blessings but also inherit a deep love for you. 

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