Faysi? Or “Faithsy”?

Faysi? Or “Faithsy”?

When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”—Luke 5:20

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Luke 5: 17-20

When he was five years old, it seemed my nephew Leon didn’t quite understand that the cold cups in the fridge freezer of his grandpa's restaurant were for sale. He believed the syrupy-sweet frozen treats were free for the taking. One day, when his aunt Andrea was working alone in the restaurant, Leon came through the front door, walked past Andrea straight toward the fridge, reached up on tiptoes and pulled the freezer door open, took a cold cup, and walked back out the door without saying a word. “Entitled” is the word we’d use for such behavior nowadays. Or in Belize Kriol, “Faysi.” “That boy faysi.”

That must have been what the crowd of people in the house with Jesus felt when they looked up and saw some men lowering their paralyzed friend on his mat through a hole that they made in the roof (Luke 5:17-19). “How dare they?!” they must have gasped. “How faysi!” But Jesus? Rather than rebuke the men for jumping the line and, worse, ripping a hole in the roof, he acknowledged their great faith, saying to the paralyzed man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven” (v 20). 

Jesus loves us immensely and wants us to approach Him with bold faithknowing that He is able. When we presume upon His healing, provision, or forgiveness, He doesn’t see us as faysi; he sees us as “faithsy.” And He loves it! 

Reflect: What needs are you asking Jesus to provide? How boldly, in faith, have you been approaching Him? 

Prayer Starter:

Jesus, I bring my needs and petitions to you boldly. Empower me, also, in my daily walk to speak and act boldly for You.

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