Confessions of an Introvert

Confessions of an Introvert

God has deprived [the ostrich] of wisdom…. But whenever she jumps up to run, she passes the swiftest horse with its rider. —Job 39: 13-18, NLT. 

Click Here to Read Today's Scripture: Job 39:1-18

Being only a year and a quarter apart, my sister Julie and I have many friends and acquaintances in common. A few years ago, we visited Dangriga where we lived as children and young adults. We were walking on Commerce Street when one of our peers spotted us. "Hey, Julieee!" she enthused. "Good to see you, girrrl!" To me, all she said was, "Hi, Ivory." I thought, Seriously? That's all I get? It bothered me at the time. A lot. But now, I'm able to genuinely laugh out loud as I reflect on that moment. 

Personality-wise, I'm the exact opposite of my almost-twin sister. She's an extrovert with exceptional people skills, and I'm your classic introvert who has to dig deep to manage in any crowd larger than two. God, why did you make me this way? I used to lament. 

But I don't complain about that anymore, having found much encouragement in God's Word. In the Bible we see that even the greatest of men and women were strong in certain gifts and lacking in others. Moses was a valiant defender of the weak (Exodus 2:11-12, 15-17) but feared public speaking. His brother Aaron was the gifted speaker (4:10-17). Rachel had great beauty but was barren for years, eventually producing only two offspring. Her sister Leah was the fertile one (Genesis 29:16-17; 30:1-24). 

In the Book of Job, we see that even among animals, God is wonderfully wise in creating with diversity. "The ostrich flaps her wings grandly, but they are no match for the feathers of the stork." And "she [carelessly] lays her eggs on top of the earth…for God has deprived her of wisdom…. But whenever she jumps up to run, she passes the swiftest horse with its rider" (Chapter 39: 13-18, NLT). 

And it's the same wise God who makes one sister an extrovert and the other an introvert. 

To question why we have this gift and not that other one is to question God's wisdom. But God never gives us everything, and He never gives us nothing. There is great peace and contentment in that. 

Reflect: Which close friend or family member has very different gifts or personality traits from yours? What can you do to celebrate both yours and theirs?    

Prayer starter:

Lord, thank you for uniquely and intentionally designing me for Your glory and for my good.

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