Apply Your Physics!

Apply Your Physics!

But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. —James 1:25

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: James 1: 19-27

My high school physics teacher Mr. Hyde often encouraged us to apply classroom theory in real-world situations. In Second Form, during the weeks leading up to the Ninth of March Kite Festival in Belize City, he bought materials for all who were interested and taught us to make kites. Some were quite large and remarkable. "No matter how pretty it looks [though],” he explained about the box kite, “it will not fly unless it has the right height-to-width ratio.” The following year we made a hot air balloon, and we whooped and cheered as it soared high above the West Landivar mangroves. He also coached our softball team. If you hit a foul ball—which I did often—he’d holler, “Apply your physics, Kelly!”

Knowing theory and not applying it is like knowing God’s word and not putting it into practice. The author of James explains that this is self-deception. He says listening to the Word and failing to do what it says is like glancing at yourself in a mirror, walking away, and immediately forgetting what you look like (1:22-24). “But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do" (v. 25).

In today's busy, information-crowded world, may we regularly slow down to study God's Word intentionally and put into practice whatever it tells us to do.

Reflection: What routines or tools do you find most helpful for studying and applying God’s Word?

Prayer Starter:

Lord, thank you for your Word and for the peace, hope, and freedom it gives.

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