

Your perspective affects your gratitude.

Have you, questioned God's timing?

Lost wifi connection over a zoom call?

Are you tired of constantly washing your hands?

If you answered yes,

Nothing is wrong with that, Jesus said, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." Often we forget that Jesus too, felt what we felt.

A thought to think about.

It's hard to be grateful when the whole world is suffering, however, if we look at the good right within our homes, how can we not smile at the mercies God still has given us even when we have questioned His goodness?

Hard situations make it hard to be grateful but if we look beyond them we can always redirect our minds and hearts to find good and be thankful for things right in front of us.

Psalm 69:30

I will praise God’s name in song

and glorify him with thanksgiving.

Ericka Huezo

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