Rejoice Always

Rejoice Always

Did you know your ability to be grateful is tied to your ability to rejoice?

In the world, we rejoice because we have joy. In God’s Kingdom, we get to joy by rejoicing. So what does it really mean to rejoice? 

Paul tells us in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” He gives us this plea not for us to deny that problems exist, rather, it allows us to live beyond our current emotions and circumstances.

Webster defines rejoice as “feeling great joy or delight” while rejoicing means to “have or possess.” 

Things in your life may not feel “rejoice worthy” but when we bring those situations and feelings to God, we are then able to shift our perspective on what we do have and possess in Him. 

Rejoicing in:

•God’s promises 

•remembering a prayer that has been answered 

•having food for today

•overcoming something that was difficult in the past


How can you rejoice in the Lord today?

Elizabeth Chinn

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