To See Clearly

To See Clearly

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. —Romans 12:2

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Romans 12

My favorite pair of sandals are dual-toned; the insoles and straps are black, while the sides and soles are a bright white. After a day outside, scuff marks and dirt can easily be seen on the white part of the sandals. I have no difficulty seeing what areas need cleaning. The black parts, however, always appear to be clean when I look at them; their dark color hides all the scuffs and dust.  I don’t see how dirty they are until I wipe them with a clean cloth and notice the dirt it removes. 

The white of my sandals reminds me of a person who has the light of the Holy Spirit in them. Accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior and allowing Him to transform us, makes it easier to notice when we are sinning and need to change. In Romans 12:2, the apostle Paul says: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." The Holy Spirit helps us renew our minds and opens our eyes to help us clearly see our transgressions. 

Without the Holy Spirit, we are in darkness and oblivious to the wrongs in our lives. When you spill something on a black surface, it's hard to see that there's anything there; the darkness hides the dirt.  When we live in sin, we have so much darkness around us that the things we do don't seem sinful and harmful. We are less aware of what's right and wrong and drift further and further away from God. 

God doesn't want us to be stained and dirty with sin, unaware that we need to be cleaned. He wants us to be filled with his Holy Spirit and experience his healing embrace. Our loving Father wants to transform us and give us clean, beautiful, and fulfilling lives. All we have to do is obey him and allow him to lead the way.

Reflect: Are you hiding in the darkness and needing God’s help to come to the light? What areas in your life can God help you to clean up? 

Prayer Starter:

Dear Father, thank you for being such a merciful dad to me. Please help me to be open to your correction and guidance.

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