

The Lord will keep you from all harm—He will watch over your life. —Psalm 121:7

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Psalm 121

The last time I visited my dad in The Bahamas,  I decided to join him for his morning walk-runs on the beach. I wasn't as fit or disciplined as he was, so one morning I fell way behind. Besides the fact that my lungs felt like they would collapse if I moved any faster, I was also distracted by the stunning turquoise waters glistening in the sunrise. The island was safe and I was already a grown young woman, but I noticed that Dad kept glancing backward every few minutes to make sure I was still in sight. The reassurance that he was there to protect me gave me the freedom to savor both the sunrise and the exercise.

We are protected by our heavenly Dad every day. He loves us unconditionally and never leaves us. No matter how distracted we are in our daily lives, we can always be confident,  knowing that God is watching over us. We can depend on Him and know He's always near. In His word, God reminds us that He "will keep [us] from all harm—He will watch over [our lives]" (Psalm 121:7). 

There is never a moment when God stops watching over us. We are always on his mind. 

Reflect: Have you seen God’s protection in your life? How can you show Him your appreciation?

Prayer Starter:

Thank you, Father for being such a great protector. Please help me to always notice You and be grateful for Your presence.

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