A Choice to Make

A Choice to Make

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Click Here to Read Today’s Scripture: Joshua 24:14-18

After living in the jungles of West Africa for three years, my family and I returned to the United States to visit our extended family and churches. We had learned to do without so many things just because they weren’t available in the jungle. In the States, we were reminded that not only were the things we needed available, but they came in various colors, sizes, and brands. My wife went shopping for a hairbrush, but she left the store with nothing.  She explained that there were just too many to choose from! She felt unable to decide, overwhelmed by the ten-foot-long store display of hairbrushes of every size, shape, type, and color imaginable. The hairbrush purchase would have to wait for another day.

When Joshua was old and about to die, he called the leaders of Israel to him and told them to remember all that the LORD had done for them and through them and had given to them. They had turned from the LORD and were worshiping the gods of the nations around them.  Joshua challenged them to make a choice to follow the LORD throughout all their lives, even when Joshua would no longer be there. He told them no matter what their choice would be, “as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!” (Joshua 24:15).

Sometimes our sin feels overwhelming, but Jesus conquered sin on the cross. God has promised never to leave us or forsake us.  We can’t do anything that He hasn’t already died to forgive.  We can’t go any place where He isn’t already present.  We are never too far from Him.  He has said He doesn’t want anyone to die without knowing His love and forgiveness.  He has left to us the choice to accept His forgiveness and love and follow Him—or not.

I first made that choice for myself when I was just 9 years old, and I have chosen Him each day over the years. Delaying or ignoring the choice of accepting Christ is choosing to reject His forgiveness (not the choice we really want to have made when we face Him.) As Joshua challenged the Israelites, I challenge you to choose this day, today. Don’t put it off.

Reflect: Have you made the choice to accept Jesus’ forgiveness and follow Him? Do you and your household truly serve the LORD?

Prayer Starter:

Lord Jesus, I choose to accept Your gift of love and forgiveness. I choose to live my life for You, not for myself.  

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