Turn on the Light

Turn on the Light

By your words I can see where I'm going. Psalm 119:105a (MSG)

Click Here to Read Today's Scripture: Psalm 119:105-112

Our bedroom light bulb had stopped working three months before it was replaced. I know, that’s ridiculous. It’s not that the bulb was expensive, or that we couldn’t find the right kind or lacked the time to replace it – it just wasn’t a priority. I got comfortable with the routine of walking through the dark room, fumbling around the bedside table for the lamp switch, and then finding what was needed by the glow of the lamp. 

After months of not bothering to acknowledge the need to replace the light, we finally bought one. Then after a few more weeks we finally replaced the bulb. That evening I went into the room to get ready for an event, and it took a solid 5 minutes for me to realize I had been getting dressed in the dark. I had forgotten that there was even a light in my room. As I turned the light on, laughing at myself, a realization stopped me in my tracks. I often forget or fail to prioritize the light in my life, and in doing so I chose to go through life groping around in the shadows. I have the power at my fingertips but I choose not to flip the switch. 

I believe it’s like that for many of us. Sometimes it’s an unconscious decision, but often we consciously choose to wander in the darkness instead of turning on the light in our spiritual life. Psalm 119: 105 says, “By your words I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path” (MSG). 

So, as we begin this new year, let’s be encouraged and challenged.  We have a light to guide our path – our life – if we choose to press into it. 

Reflection: Is there an area in your life you have been content to keep in the dark? If so, what has kept you from switching on the spiritual light?

Prayer Starter:

Lord, I thank You that You are the light of the world and the lighter of my path. Help me to flip the switch in the areas I’ve kept dark this past year, and help me to walk into 2023 in the fullness of Your light. 

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