Ivory Kelly

Blog Articles

God and Groceries
Community outreach is a hallmark of most churches, providing support to orphans, the elderly, and others with special needs. When I studied in the US, in Greenville, North Carolina, I found that one local
A Sweet, Sweet Sound
Recently I did something I'd never done before: I prayed in Kriol, my mother tongue. And it was wonderful! Like a faucet flowing fast and free. I did not feel tongue-tied at all, as I often do when
Dancing Up a Storm
Someone asked this question online the other day: What do you look forward to seeing when you go to Heaven? The first picture that came to mind was my mom, before her body aged and a series of
Apply Your Physics!
My high school physics teacher Mr. Hyde often encouraged us to apply classroom theory in real-world situations. In Second Form, during the weeks leading up to the Ninth of March Kite Festival in Belize City
Keep Going
Reflecting on his experience of grace, founder of Methodism John Wesley said he felt his heart “strangely warmed.” Other converts speak of feeling “washed” or “new.” Sometimes, though, it takes years
Through Him Who Gives Me Strength
Many of us take advantage of the new year to make fresh starts or recommit to neglected goals: Begin that exercise routine we've been talking about for months. Study the Bible more regularly.
Rescued for a Purpose
Kenroy knew he should not have been out there in that river. Not only was he cutting school; he couldn't swim! If Ma ever hear 'bout this, he thought as he waded a little farther toward the other boys having a
Eyes on Him
It was Family Sunday at church, so the children remained in the sanctuary the entire service. After a lively memory verse activity, the leader asked for volunteers to go up front and recite the verse. Quick as a blink
Every Nook and Cranny
My friend Christine agreed to teach me the basics of cake decorating, beginning with “piping.” I knew there was an art to it, but how hard could it be to stuff a bag with frosting and squeeze it out? Turns out, there’s