Patricia Wade

Blog Articles

Peace, Be Still
It was early morning when I entered the Police Station, the hour for the changeover of shifts. I immediately became annoyed because it sounded like a fish market. People were walking back
Believing in the Unseen
In law enforcement, we rely a great deal on physical evidence to secure convictions in court.  The physical evidence we gather helps to substantiate the facts, increasing the probability of proving that a crime was
An Intentional Prayer
I recently had the pleasure of attending a servant leaders' appreciation dinner at our church.  As the evening was winding down, the host asked our pastor, his wife, and children to come up front and then asked
Our Daily Bread
“Our Father, who art in heaven…” This is a prayer etched in my heart and mind, as for most of us Christians, so much so that it sometimes becomes merely a religious repetition. Do we really understand the deep
Death, the Pinnacle of Life
Some years ago, I wrote a social media post titled, “Death: The Pinnacle of Life.” It was prompted by the numerous death notices I was seeing daily, posted by family members and loved ones.  I kept
The Discipline of Love
My dad was a humble and calm man. My mom was the disciplinarian. But one day, I disrespected my dad, and he swatted me. I don't think the hit hurt as much as the fact that it was Dad who did it—the man who was
He Will Not Let You Go
The year 2015 was a rough time in my life. My marriage had collapsed but I was hanging on for dear life.  I went through a very emotional confrontation with my estranged spouse that hit really hard.  I was not
In the Front Pocket
Recently, while driving the church van to pick up workers for Sunday service, I overheard a conversation between two of my sisters in Christ. One of them was telling the other about a pair of earrings that she
The Family We Choose
Last week our church announced the formation of “life groups,” an opportunity to do life together with a small group of believers. This brings to mind the story of Ruth and Naomi in the Bible—one of
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