Jadine Fritzler

Blog Articles

When You Feel Let Down by God
I cringed hearing the worship team sing, “You’re never gonna let me down.” How can I honestly sing those words, God? I prayed. I trusted you, but my grandson, Jairus, never came home from the hospital.
The Bible has many descriptive names for Jesus. Emmanuel (Immanuel) touches my heart more than any other. God with us. God came to live among His creations. “The Word became flesh and dwelt
I will never forget the night I learned what it means to have peace that “transcends all understanding.” My husband and I and our two young daughters were living in Monrovia, Liberia in West Africa.
Miners trapped underground, children in a burning house, people standing on top of their houses in rising floodwaters, women being trafficked for sex. They all have one thing in common: they need
Come Out
"I can’t find Jordan!” Bethany cried over the phone, pleading for me to join the search for my two-year-old grandson. We combed through the house, over every inch of the yard, desperately calling his name.
I Will Still Praise Him
I saw the dark, threatening sky ahead as I drove home. The sky seemed to match my emotional state. That week had been excruciating. Life’s pressures seemed overwhelming. I had seldom felt so alone. 
IN THE WORD With Jadine Fritzler
Last month, we gleaned some wonderful insights from Pastor Craig Fritzler in our debut presentation of IN THE WORD.... Later, we had the pleasure of also hearing from his wife Jadine as they sat with
Why I Said Yes – Part 1
“So, are you going to be a missionary in Africa someday?” my friend asked me one day in the bathroom of our high school. I was 17 years old, and I was that Christian girl—the one who carried her
Why I Said Yes – Part 2
I threw myself wholeheartedly into plans to go to Africa. Our baby girl was born, and when she was four months old, the church where we were serving released us to spend part of our time to begin
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