Ivory Kelly

Blog Articles

The Inside
As I exited the supermarket, I saw an older lady in the parking lot near her car with its hood up. “It just won’t start," she said, visibly distressed. She explained that she lived some 30 miles outside the city and didn't
Flung for a Purpose
Seventeen-year-old Isaac hunkered down with Grandpa Jim and cousins Walter and Levy as  Hurricane Hattie battered their large wooden house. Unable to withstand the category 4 force winds, the house
We Want We Wig!
Five of us siblings were in the backyard tossing around a wig that someone had given our mom but she never wore. Isaac was the oldest at ten, followed by Walter, Nigel, Julie, and me, six years old.
Only One Thing Matters
I knew I was stepping out of my comfort zone when I offered to host a friend’s farewell party. So, on the evening before when a little panic came over me, I sent a distress email to Theresa, another dear
Confessions of an Introvert
Being only a year and a quarter apart, my sister Julie and I have many friends and acquaintances in common. A few years ago, we visited Dangriga where we lived as children and young adults. We were
Plug it In
Our Writing Team had a meet-up at church where, fueled by coffee, tea, and dessert, we spent two hours hanging out and writing. As soon as he arrived, one writer mentioned that he would need to
An Epic Scrubbing
We got a new, larger mop bucket the other day, so I decided to clean up the old one and give it to someone who could use it. As I scrubbed away the lime stains with dish soap and baking soda,
Glad Tidings
Impatiently waiting in her hospital room to be discharged after her surgery, the young woman heard beautiful singing coming from the building next door. Church, she said to herself. The IV needle
Let Loose
The mid-forties gentleman standing at the edge of the ground-level stage at the Gospel Expo was obviously enjoying the dance performance by four young ladies in shiny costumes. He was bobbing his head to the