Ivory Kelly

Blog Articles

Faysi? Or “Faithsy”?
When he was five years old, it seemed my nephew Leon didn’t quite understand that the cold cups in the fridge freezer of his grandpa's restaurant were for sale. He believed the syrupy-sweet frozen treats were
The Son
Recently, an appliance in my home stopped working, and it seemed that in the entire city there was only one technician who could repair it. Everyone I asked recommended that one gentleman. However,
Sunday Morning
Around the world, Easter is celebrated with great festivity and feasting, both in the church and in popular culture. Here in Belize, we look forward to special items or decorations at Sunday service; sporting events and
In the Commotion
Kalang-galang-galang-galang! The loud noise jarred our family to attention, causing us to drop whatever we were doing and dash toward the river about twenty yards from our house. My father had rigged
High Tea in Hot Jungle
The first time I visited the Botanical Garden at Caves Branch, twelve miles south of Belmopan, the experience was so enriching and the spring-like atmosphere so idyllic, I knew I had to return someday to write
Playdough Evangelism
“Come say hello to my friend,” I hollered upstairs for my nephew Isaac and niece Isaanra, seven and six years old. They were spending the week with me in Belmopan to attend Vacation Bible School and had both
When my dad was in high school, one of his classmates was a boy named Calvin. Decades later, when I moved to Belmopan, I met Calvin through his real estate business. He was delighted to meet a daughter of
In Us
In his sermon a few weeks ago, our lead pastor made the point that God is more interested in working in us than through us. I’ve been mulling over that message ever since, especially regarding my service at
Shrek and Donkey
My friend Sarita and I have had a disagreement for the past several years. She claims I keep following her around, which I vehemently deny whenever we tell our story to mutual friends. Both English majors, we